Sunday, March 27, 2011

{ Right Now }

Right now, I am....

Recovering from a busy burst of clients in the office.  I tripled my clientele in the last two weeks alone.  For that I am grateful.

Beaming because South Shore Grow now has a website & discussion forum!  Visit our non-profit natural family living community online & check back often as the site is being worked on still.  There are so many great threads on it already!

Looking forward to Spring Break and four fun filled days spent at a water park in Wisconsin Dells..1 week & counting!

Admiring the awareness my children show constantly regarding food choices and living simply.  This morning before breakfast they commented on how proud they were of their meal.  Eggs from a 85 year old farmer friend, bread I baked last night slathered in jam we made from the cherries picked in out neighbors parents yard.  A series of simple choices bringing together a very symbolic meal.

Celebrating my Mamas' Birthday! We had a lovely dinner out at a beautiful Italian restaurant this weekend with the whole family!

Grounding myself by getting back into my morning Yoga & juicing routine. 
It is Spring and that means it is time to start a cleanse soon!

Creating many, many beautiful things with my knitting needles.  I've come to a point where there has been a shift in my knitting and I am understanding and seeing things in a different way.  Sunday I made a beautiful cowel for my Mama in under 4 hours.  Currently, I have washcloths, a Waves scarf for Miss Maya, a Summer Prayer Shawl, a Noro Cowl and a Lace Mohair Scarf on the needles.  Details on my Ravelry page. 

Smiling REALLY big because last night, Soccer season officially started for the kids!  I just LOVE spending my weekends watching their games & my week nights knitting on a blanket in a soccer field as they practice.  Precious down time for me that I SO look forward to. 

Preparing for my best friends Bridal Shower.  There is a lot of creativity going on in this house lately as we plan center pieces, sew table runners and make party favors.

Loving this site I recently stumbled across : The Long Thread as I am preparing for a weekly Waldorf inspired craft class I will be teaching at the library soon. (more details on that soon!)

Praising my 11 year old son as he picks up the knitting needles more.  He is getting quite good and is sure the increased finger dexterity will benefit his guitar playing.  He is working on fingerless gloves now.  On DPN's.  Did I menion that I've never even used DPN's?!?

What is going on in your world right now
 As for me, I am going to finish sipping my tea
& head into the office to see one of my favorite clients. 
~Love & Light~

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

{ This Moment }

{this moment}

[ Pardon my lateness.  For a few days now, blogger would not let me upload any photos..sheesh.]


A Friday ritual inspired by Soulemama. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

~ Apple Muffins ~

Apple Muffins

Yield: 12 or 48 mini muffins

1 c. whole wheat flour

1 c. unbleached all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon cinnamon
Optional ::(Dash of nutmeg)

1/2 cup (1 stick, 4 ounces) unsalted amish butter, at room temperature

1/2 cup (3 1/2 ounces) granulated sugar ( I used turbinado)

1/2 cup dark brown sugar, packed, divided

1 large egg, lightly beaten

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup buttermilk or yogurt

2 large apples, peeled, cored, and coarsely chopped

{ I encourage you to use organic, local & free-range ingredients whenever possible. }

Preheat the oven to 450°F. Grease and flour muffin cups and set aside.

Mix together the flours, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon, and set aside. In a separate bowl, cream the butter and add the granulated sugar and 1/4 cup of the brown sugar. Beat until fluffy. Add the egg and mix well; stop once to scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl. .Mix in the buttermilk or yogurt gently. (If you over-mix, the buttermilk will cause the mixture to curdle.) Stir in the dry ingredients and fold in the apple chunks.

Divide the batter evenly among the prepared muffin cups, sprinkling the remaining 1/4 cup brown sugar on top ( I didn’t do this step & they were still really yummy. I think it would’ve made it too sweet for our taste). Bake for 10 minutes, turn the heat down to 400°F, and bake for an additional 5 to 10 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a muffin comes out clean. Cool the muffins for 5 minutes in the tin, then turn them out onto a wire rack to cool completely.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

~Weekend Thrifting Goodness~

I LOVE vintage Pyrex.  Like love, love it.
Like gasp loudly in antique stores when I find a piece I love.

A sweet little dollhouse table for Maya's Fairy corner. 
Maple Syrup isn't cheap.  This is a perfect solution to little hands pouring too much!
Mr. Salt & Mrs. Peppy  :)
Lovin' this aluminum ice cube tray.  I'm trying to get rid of plastic any way I can in this house. 

So many fun treasures were found this weekend!! 

River fell in LOVE with these glasses.
And, last but certainly not least...I found my couch!!!

I have been on the hunt for a funky vintage couch since mine was destroyed in the tornado last year.
Here she is.  10 feet of the most ridiculous buttery yellow goodness.
I found a similar sofa on etsy for over $2,000.-
This mid-century modern, custom-made piece cost me just under $150.!!!!
In perfect shape & just professional cleaned. 
Every time I walk into the living room I giggle.
It is SO ridiculously huge.
I'm dreaming of the perfect bright fabric to make some pillows for it soon..
and plan to get some local vintage art framed this week to hang above it.
My son & I can both lay comfortably across it together..ha!
And, it's Kava kitty approved.  ;)


Always thrilled to find old treasures & this weekend truely knocked my socks off!

Happy Weekending!


Friday, March 11, 2011

{ This Moment }

Spring slips into even the most hidden places
and transforms them into mossy-green mansions of delight.
{this moment}
A Friday ritual inspired by Soulemama. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

Praying for all the people affected by the earthquake and tsunami this morning.
Be safe West Coast fiends..I'm thinking about you all. 

Sending much love, healing energy & light.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Kindness in words creates confidence.
 Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.
Kindness in giving creates love.
 ~ Lao-Tzu
After a weekend spent away at my Mamas house,
my cup is filled & spilling over.
Her kindness & unending love once again gave me the
energy & peace to get through the hard every day stuff.
It was just the rest I needed.
 & the laughter was abundant.
I Love You, Mama.

I am so grateful.

Today is the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day!
Let's take a moment out of our day to honor the women in our lives.
What women have made a significant impact in your life?
 I'd love to hear your stories.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Tales From the Table ~

"How did you get so deep & spiritual?" he asked.
"Most people go their entire lives without knowing the peace you carry."
I had to stop massaging, taken back by his comment.
"Well, I don't know really."  I replied, as I gently worked on a trigger point in his low back.
"You're just always so centered and so wise for your age.  You have these amazing children who are so smart and aware.  You seem  Does it surprise you that people want to be just like you.  That people like me envy you?  That people look up to you with so much respect?"
"Me?!?  Peaceful?  Centered?" I replied while images of my most recent anxiety attacks flashed before my eyes.  "Oh, I get shook up.  Quite often."
"But you still manage to carry a peace and a knowing with you gracefully.  I'm honored to know you.  Many people are.  That alone says something big about your character. So tell me, Sara, when did your spiritual journey begin?  Were you always like this?"
"Well...I dunno.  I guess when I was a teenager I read a lot of books seeking more."
"But what was it that made you read those books? 
What  made you seek more?  Most people don't bother."

I hmmm'd and hawwwed.  Not sure what to say.  There is a fine line I walk with clients keeping my personal life to myself as I become closer to them each session it gets harder & harder as they become my friends.

"I remember seeing God once." he said.  "I was on a beach in Puerto Rico.  I had just recently returned from Vietnam.  I remember it like it just happened...  the sky was blue.  The sun was warm.  I can still hear the way the ocean sounded and the children laughing down shore.  Nothing special happened.  I was just sitting there taking it all in & Gods presence was there.  It was 1972.  When I returned to my parents, they thought something was wrong because I had been gone so long & looked drowsy.  What they had seen was the peace I carried with me from that moment.  I want to feel that again. 
That aliveness.  You feel it a lot.  I know you do."

I'm always humbled when I hear how other people see me.
Truth be told, a lot of the time I am a frenzied single Mama trying to find some simplicity in this busy life of mine.  Trying to make ends meet & becoming anxious when they don't.  It is true, I do look for the good in everything.  I do seek moments of wonder, when that higher energy immerses itself in everything.  But, I also keep a bottle of rescue remedy in my purse along with a couple different essential oils at all times. 

My journey did indeed start with a moment like he shared with me.  I was in my early teens,
We lived in a 100 year old farmhouse surrounded by woods.  I had a habit of wandering those woods in the afternoons after school.  On one of those walks, I came across a huge boulder deep in the woods.  It was covered in a moss so brilliantly green with aliveness.  It was early Spring & the fresh smell of earthy mud filled the air.  The rays of sunshine danced through the bare branches in such a way that it reminded me of the drawings we used to do as children..long lines shooting out from a golden orb.  I laid back on that rock feeling it's coolness through my cardigan.  I ran my hands through the moss.  I breathed the cool Spring air in deeply & stared at the brilliant blue sky through the branches.  I don't know how long I had laid there, but it was just past dark when I finally made my way home. 
A knowing entered me at that moment. 
 From that moment on, I wouldn't walk the same path as those around me.
  There was more to life then this.  And at the very same time, this is all there is.

Have you had a moment in your life when you felt things shift? 
When your energy & consciousness may have changed?
A moment when everything was so concentrated & condensed you could taste it with your being?

I encourage you to share it below in the comments. 
Or in your blog & link it here.  I'd love to hear your story.

~Love & Light ~

Friday, March 4, 2011

{ This Moment }

{this moment}

A Friday ritual inspired by Soulemama. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see